
This page describes a vision and goal setting tool for parents and primary school children.
Scroll down for the description of Pictability for young people from 12 yrs onwards, youth and adults with disabilities. 

What is Pictability?

Pictability is like nothing you have experienced before.

Developed by Plumtree, Pictability™ is a unique and creative way for families to set a vision for a positive and attainable future. It was designed using informed research from Positive Psychology, Family-Centred Practice (the gold standard in early childhood intervention) and Gamification principles.

Pictability™ is a practical 1.5 hour session during which participants will learn to:

  • Create a positive vision for themselves and their child
  • Prioritise their goals
  • Receive valuable take home resources, including their own personal Pictability™ kit
  • Connect with other parents on a similar journey.

Planning done different

We know life does not always go to plan, especially when you are a parent of a child with delay or disability. What if we told you that you don’t have to feel like this?

Pictability is an award winning, internationally recognised way to help you reconnect with what is important to your child and family. Join over 1,000 families who have used Pictability to create an achievable map for a great life.

Why do I need a vision?

Having a vision gives us the direction we need to achieve our goals and create a life that is important to us.

We know how busy the families of children with disability and delay can be. There is always so much to do and often a strong feeling of urgency exists. Time and again families dive into the practicalities without taking a pause to look at the big picture of what they want for their family. Pictability™ is a much-needed planning tool. It will clarify your guiding principles, help you with your every day decision-making and lead to a life that is important to you.

I have done other planning meetings. Do I need Pictability? 

Unlike traditional planning methods typically led by professionals, Pictability™ puts you in the driver’s seat. Through playful exploration, you will be given permission to reconnect with what is truly important to you, your family and your child.

Pictability™ looks at the family as a whole. Research tells us that parents often place all their energy into the child with a disability or delay. This is not sustainable in the long term and Carers risk burnout and mental health challenges. The Pictability™ experience has been designed to consider you as an individual and your family as a whole, in addition to your child in order to counteract these risks. When you are healthy and strong, your child will be better supported. Children thrive when their family thrives.

The Pictability™ experience will shine a light on your child’s abilities and strengths and challenge you to focus on the things your child can do, opening the possibilities for a bright future. This strengths-based approach differs to the medical or ‘deficit’ model that families often experience, especially through the early diagnostic stages. During Pictability™ we will share some of the research about why a strengths-based approach is particularly important for families of children with disability or delay.

Parents Testimonials

  • Planning has never been so much fun!
  • Pictability really opened my eyes. Using the picture cards to create our vision was brilliant, and realised goals I hadn’t thought of before, but that were actually important.
  • I was so busy looking after my son, that I wasn’t looking after myself. I realised that I need to prioritise myself and our family and that it will also benefit my son because I will actually be better able to care for him.

Pictability engages young people and adults to increase positive learning and life outcomes. 

It coaches people to: 

Pictability inspires young people to design and achieve new goals

William explains how he designs goals and started working on them within hours

Let me know when the next zoom training happens

Youth and Adult Pictability described by its co-creator, Dr. Annick Janson 

Some things are best experienced first hand.

Click below if you would like one of use to get in touch or if you would like to enquire about our training!

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