Our work in the disability sector

Our work in the disability sector

Our peer support work in the disability sector

We have developed and piloted an evidence-based programme (16 hrs) for parents raising children with disabilities or delays (Now & Next). We have also piloted Leadership Development programmes for disabled youth. We have worked with over 4000 parents, professionals and other stakeholders, in 5 countries (Australia, New Zealand, Canada, Finland and Singapore). Our programmes and tools have received international innovation awards.

Our effectiveness

Our Global Benchmark report shows that these programmes have proven extremely effective in goal achievements, improvements in wellbeing, hope and empowerment (full results available on this page; also see youth pilot results.)

Delivery mode

These programmes can be facilitated face to face or via telehealth with evidence to show that both are equally effective in aforementioned outcomes.

We have developed unique 3D planning tools for in person programmes. One is for instance described on this page: https://sites.google.com/view/keys2planning.

More information

Our lead researcher and programme manager

Dr. Annick Janson  (Victoria University of Wellington)

Annick is a psychologist, researcher and member of a social movement for families to lean in and guide the current changes in the disability sector. She currently serves as the co-President of the New Zealand Association of Positive Psychology. Trained as a clinical psychologist and family therapist, Annick was awarded her PhD in Management Systems. She joined the MIT faculty foundational discussions for the launch of the Learning Organization framework. She works with organisations and governments to change the Health & Disability sector through collective leadership. Annick co-founded the award-winning positive parenting program Now & Next and the Pictability visioning methodologies.

Annick is an Associate at the Centre for Applied Cross-cultural Research, Victoria University of Wellington. She was the Inaugural Research Director at the NZ Leadership Institute, University of Auckland Business School and the Partners in Learning Research Director, Microsoft NZ. As the recipient of a Gallup International Positive Psychology Fellowship, Annick represented New Zealand on the international leadership research stage. She has authored over 50 peer-reviewed research publications in the field of collective leadership including for UNESCO and the New Zealand Human Rights Commission. As Now and Next was chosen as a case study in 2023 for the European Association of Service Providers to the Disability sector (EASPD), Annick was recently invited to present her work on Family Leadership Development in Europe.

Our plans

Our experience is built on an effective intervention model. Our ongoing data collection and dialogue with participants and stakeholder point to the potential to enhance participant engagement and accelerate goal achievement progress. We are proud of our achievements so far and will expand our reach:

  • Through partnerships with service providers and community organisations
  • Through partnerships with technology partners to help us achieve our next challenge: digitising the user experience - to follow youth and families in real time and supports them achieving their goals. 
  • We are keen to co-design solutions with multi-disciplinary teams and can contribute knowledge, skills and lived experience to this process. 
  • Our latest publications: Chapter in the 2nd Edition of the Handbook for Positive Psychology in Disability and our long term impact research article to be published in Child, Health, Care & Development

The future story

... is waiting to be told and shown!